
Power 100

Most influential people in 2016 in the contemporary artworld


Eva Presenhuber

92 in 2016

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Eva Presenhuber. Photo: Reto Guntli. Courtesy Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zürich

While there’s never a year when Zürich isn’t important to the artworld – such is the buying power of the city’s collectors, both individual and corporate – the presence of Manifesta 11 in Presenhuber’s hometown further ensured that anyone going to Art Basel (on whose selection committee she sits) would pass through at some point during the summer. Indeed, one of the most eye-catching projects at the biennial was the placement of work by Torbjørn Rødland, represented by the gallery, in a local dentist’s surgery and in the group show at LUMA Westbau. During the biennial’s preview, Presenhuber also opened solo shows by Rødland along with Walead Beshty across her two gallery spaces and unveiled two outdoor sculptures by Mark Handforth nearby. A week earlier at Fondation Beyeler in Basel, an exhibition partnering gallery artists Fischli / Weiss and Alexander Calder had opened. In the end, though, what might seem a busy summer for some was just business as usual for Presenhuber.  

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