Cuauhtémoc Medina Appointed chief curator of 2018 Shanghai BiennaleArtReviewartreview.com15 November 2017Shanghai’s Power Station of Art (PSA) has announced that...
Sol Calero, Iman Issa, Jumana Manna and Agnieszka Polska issue open letter in criticism of Preis der NationalgalerieArtReviewartreview.com10 November 2017
Top booths to see at West Bund Art & DesignArtReview09 November 2017ArtReview Asia is in Shanghai for the fourth edition of...
33rd Bienal de São Paulo invites artists as curatorsArtReviewartreview.com09 November 2017Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, artistic director of the 33rd...
ArtReview Asia Xiàn ChǎngArtReview09 November 2017Special Exhibition Programme at West Bund Art & Design, 10–12 November 2017, West Bund Art Center, Shanghai
K11 art foundation announces new teamArtReviewartreview.com07 November 2017Hong Kong property tycoon Adrian Cheng’s K11 Art Foundation...