Frances Richardson wins 2017–2018 Mark Tanner Sculpture AwardArtReviewartreview.com28 April 2017Frances Richardson has been announced as the winner of...
The Venice Questionnaire #19 – Vajiko ChachkhianiArtReview28 April 2017The artist explains in a few words his plans for the Georgian Pavilion
Francesco Manacorda appointed artistic director of V-A-C FoundationArtReviewartreview.com28 April 2017V-A-C Foundation has announced that Francesco Manacorda,...
Curatorial team announced for 10th Berlin BiennaleArtReviewartreview.com28 April 2017Gabi Ngcobo, curator of the 10th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary...
Do Ho Suh named winner of Samsung’s Ho-Am PrizeArtReviewartreview.com28 April 2017Artist Do Ho Suh has been announced as the winner of the...
The Venice Questionnaire #18 – Bernardo OyarzúnArtReview28 April 2017on his ancestral Mapuche installation for the Chilean Pavilion
Salon Suisse 2017: ATARAXIAArtReview27 April 2017Pro Helvetia and RAW Material Company present a series of talks and events during Venice Biennale 2017