Nina Zimmer appointed director of newly merged Zentrum Paul Klee and Kunstmuseum BernArtReviewartreview.com29 March 2016Nina Zimmer has been appointed as director of the Zentrum...
Anton Kern and Andrew Kreps to open a pop up gallery in San FranciscoArtReviewartreview.com24 March 2016New York gallerists Anton Kern and Andrew Kreps announced...
Max Hollein to direct Fine Arts Museums of San FranciscoArtReviewartreview.com23 March 2016Austrian-born, Germany-based curator Max Hollein has been...
Shortlist announced for third edition of BMW Art JourneyArtReviewartreview.com23 March 2016The shortlisted artists for the third edition of BMW Art...
ArtReview Live presents Abigail ReynoldsArtReview23 March 2016in conversation with Ben Borthwick, Wednesday 24 June, 7pm, ArtReview Bar (Bar to 11pm), all welcome
Theme and participating artists announced for 5th Moscow Biennale for Young ArtArtReviewartreview.com23 March 2016The Moscow International Biennale for Young Art has announced...
Lisa Reihana to represent New Zealand at 2017 Venice BiennaleArtReviewartreview.com22 March 2016Artist Lisa Reihana has been selected to represent New...