Interview with Frances MorrisJ.J. Charlesworthartreview.com19 September 2017Tate Modern’s director discusses Brexit, the role of the museum and collecting the uncollectable
The end of the biennial?J.J. Charlesworth05 September 2017J.J. Charlesworth argues that it’s time for the ‘large international exhibition’ to change
Duty Free Art: Art in the Age of Planetary Civil WarJ.J. CharlesworthArtReview04 September 2017By Hito Steyerl, Verso, £16.99 (hardcover)
Statue-phobiaJ.J. Charlesworth04 September 2017Pulling down statues we don’t like reveals the lowered expectations of progressive politics, argues J.J. Charlesworth
Selling artJ.J. Charlesworth04 September 2017J.J. Charlesworth examines a recent report on the uncertain prospects of the art market
Election Special!J.J. Charlesworth09 June 2017But what’s so great about artists’ views on an election anyway?
Documenta against Democracy?J.J. Charlesworth10 May 2017J.J. Charlesworth argues that Documenta’s top-down structure echoes Greece’s fraught relationship with the EU