‘The Haunted Wood: A History of Childhood Reading’ by Sam Leith, ReviewedOliver BascianoArtReview23 September 2024Our definitions of childhood and children’s literature are inevitably entwined
Pietrina Checcacci’s Ecofeminist VistaOliver BascianoArtReview16 September 2024In ‘Tactics of the body’ at Galatea, São Paulo, the human form takes the appearance of a sort of sublime geography
Remembering José Francisco Borges’s Literatura de CordelOliver BascianoArtReview09 September 2024Will the death of São Paulo’s most celebrated exponent lead to the demise of a once-popular vernacular artform?
How to Steal From the British Museum: A Brazilian Artist’s GuideOliver Bascianoartreview.com16 July 2024As part of an exhibition, Ilê Sartuzi removed a coin from the London institution’s display
Seeing British Working-Class Photography AnewOliver BascianoArtReview03 June 2024A new show at Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry showcases a British working class transformed by first-, second- and third-generation immigration
‘Paêbirú’: Art After the Godfathers of Brazilian PsychedeliaOliver BascianoArtReview09 May 2024A new group show at Espaço Delirium, São Paulo follows the trip Lula Côrtes and Zé Ramalho made along the Ingá River to explore knowledge, how it can accumulate and how it can be lost