‘Evil Does Not Exist’ Review: The Arts of NoticingYuwen JiangArtReview Asia02 May 2024Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s new film plays out like a fable recording the clash between capitalist extraction and ecological wellbeing
Xuelei Huang on the Secret Life of SmellsYuwen JiangArtReview Asia25 April 2024“I very much wanted to highlight that we ignore the strangers – and smells, by nature, are strangers”
Corridors and Lobbies; Guests and EnemiesYuwen JiangArtReview01 March 2024‘Guest Relations’ at Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai explores an ethics of hospitality, ownership and sovereignty
Jinjoon Lee’s Accidental ContactsYuwen JiangArtReview Asia11 January 2024‘Audible Garden’ at Korean Cultural Centre UK, London radically rearranges the constituent parts of our everyday perceptive experience
Contemporary Queer Chinese Art: A Buried VoiceYuwen JiangArtReview Asia21 December 2023A new book gathers 14 essays by artists, activists and curators that account for the key moments of recent queer history in China
Zhang Xiao’s Mercurial, Mythical ChinaYuwen JiangArtReview Asia25 August 2023The artist’s documentary project explores the spectacle of rural northern China’s commercialised traditions
‘The Man in the McIntosh Suit’ Review: A Detective Odyssey in ManilatownYuwen JiangArtReview Asia07 August 2023Rina Ayuyang’s noir-styled graphic novel reveals the bleak realities of the Filipino immigration experience