The Hong Kong government has set up a new HK$60 million (£6.3m) funding pot for large-scale arts events with the aim of reestablishing the city as an international cultural hub.
Hong Kong has been hit hard by increased censorship from mainland China and intense COVID-19 travel and lockdown restrictions. The special administrative region has faced stiff competition from Singapore and Seoul in a race to position themselves as cultural gateways between Asia and the West.
The Mega Arts and Cultural Events Committee is to be chaired by Adrian Cheng, the art collector and patron and CEO of New World Development. The South Morning China Post reports that events, including for-profit outfits such as Art Basel, will be able to apply for grants of up to HK$15 million.
Cheng’s K11 Foundation operates a series of arts spaces within shopping malls owned by the businessman, who also leads the fundraising for M+ as chair of its Gala Board and sits on various international museum committees.