
Jagdip Jagpal appointed new director of India Art Fair

Jagdip Jagpal © Gianluca De Girolamo. News 21 Aug 2017
Jagdip Jagpal © Gianluca De Girolamo. News 21 Aug 2017

The founder of India Art Fair, Neha Kirpal, has announced that she will be leaving her role as director and will be replaced by Jagdip Jagpal, The Art Newspaper reports. Jagpal formerly managed Tate’s international partnerships and programmes, and was a trustee of the Wallace Collection. She has worked on several cultural projects focusing on the South Asian region, UK and China, and collaborated with Maria Balshaw (director of Tate) on New North and South – a network of ‘11 arts organisations across South Asia and the North of England who are working together on artistic commissions and exhibitions’. Jagpal is currently a governor of the London School of Economics and works with the Royal College of Art’s development board. As founder and co-owner, Kirpal will remain actively developing the fair and establishing other initiatives in the region. 

21 August 2017

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