
Power 100

Most influential people in 2010 in the contemporary artworld


Roberta Smith

Critic - Erudite gatekeeper

80 in 2010

  • 201080
  • 200961
  • 200871
  • 200760
  • 200655
Roberta Smith. Courtesy The New York Times

For the New York Times’s senior art critic, 2010 has been about staying abreast of the gallery and museum scene’s postcrunch vagaries while keeping a calm eye on the latest developments in art itself. Smith has taken a pragmatic, hopeful approach to recession trends – giving a cautious welcome to the appointment of New York gallerist Jeffrey Deitch as the new director of crisis-ridden MOCA LA, for example. In terms of art criticism, among her standout commentaries was the assertion that painting isn’t dead; she has also been taking to task the ‘squeaky-clean, well-made, intellectually decorous’ products of fashionable postminimalism and Eurokunst ‘relational aesthetics’. Mildly conservative, pluralist and suspicious of hotheaded extremes, Smith remains the Big Apple’s bastion of responsible art criticism.

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