
Power 100

Most influential people in 2007 in the contemporary artworld


Antoine de Galbert

Collector - Championing private collections

78 in 2007

  • 200778
  • 200672

French collector Antoine de Galbert is the man behind one of the latest contenders in the Paris contemporary art scene, the non-profit foundation La Maison Rouge. While his own collection (of contemporary, outsider and primitive art, in addition to photography) is usually not shown, de Galbert is something of a champion of the private collector. The foundation, developed on the site of a disused factory in the district of La Bastille, is dedicated to staging contemporary exhibitions of work from other collections. Shows are organised by independent curators, though always in keeping with the forward-thinking ethos of the foundation’s founder, who previously launched a contemporary art gallery in Grenoble. This year de Galbert broke his own protocol and exhibited works from his own collection: artists shown ranged from gelitin and Hans Belmer to Yayoi Kusama and Erwin Wurm, and the foundation also recently mounted the first show in France of Japanese Neo-Dadaist Tetsumi Kudo.

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