In the words of Emmett Brown, another wild, white-haired visionary: ‘Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.’ But roads certainly help if, like billionaire mining magnate Paz, you want to bring people to see your 5,000-acre botanic garden and sculpture park (neither of which terms really do justice to Inhotim, his vast playground of exhibition pavilions and large-scale installations, overseen by curator Rodrigo Moura and advised by Allan Schwartzman). Because now that the truly dedicated art pilgrims (not to mention the people from underprivileged local communities who also visit) have already flown to Belo Horizonte in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, and taken the 90-minute, mostly dirt-track drive, Paz is after the rest of us. Roads will help, as will the hotels, theatre and convention centre that Paz says he is also planning. Whether all this development will spoil Inhotim’s mystique remains to be seen.
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Most influential people in 2014 in the contemporary artworld
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