This has been a banner year for the Singaporean thinker-artist, whose midcareer survey travelled from Singapore Art Museum to Seoul’s Sonje Art Center to CCS Bard’s Hessel Museum of Art, in New York (with a final stop at Mudam Luxembourg slated for 2025). Time & the Tiger offers insight into Ho’s two-decade career spent critically mining Southeast Asian identity and history through video, installation and performances. The show also marked the debut of T for Time, an ambitious investigation into the nature of time, which Ho says is ‘the true substance or material with which [he] work[s]’. Comprising animation clips shuffled by an algorithm, the video installation explores temporality through disciplines such as horology, geopolitics, physics, biology and philosophy, as well as more subjective experiences of time, such as through memory and ageing. Ho, whose work has been described by curator Shabbir Hussain Mustafa as an ‘embodiment of a political ethos that challenges conventional hierarchies in our understanding of the past’, could also be seen at this year’s Whitney Biennial, or receiving €100,000 as a winner of the Chanel Next Prize 2024.
Power 100
Most influential people in 2024 in the contemporary artworld

Ho Tzu Nyen
Artist - Multidisciplinary artist weaving fictions out of Asia’s histories
72 in 2024
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