
Power 100

Most influential people in 2008 in the contemporary artworld


Richard Armstrong

Museum Director - Taking on the Guggenheim

77 in 2008

  • 200877
  • 2007
  • 2006
Richard Armstrong. Photo: David M. Heald. © Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York

The new director of the Guggenheim Foundation comes from the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh and replaces the inimitable Thomas Krens, who controversially pioneered the Guggenheim’s transformation into the leading international art brand. Armstrong’s ‘a seasoned expert who is a wise adult’ rather than ‘another maverick who puts their stamp on the museum’, Jennifer Blei Stockman (president of the Guggenheim’s board) recently told The New York Times, indicating that Armstrong is expected to refocus attention on the Guggenheim’s flagship New York museum, away from its various overseas outposts.

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