
Power 100

Most influential people in 2007 in the contemporary artworld


Rosa & Carlos de la Cruz

Collector - Championing Latin American art

76 in 2007

  • 200776
  • 200662
  • 200583
  • 200450

Rosa and Carlos de la Cruz are Florida’s golden couple. Carlos de la Cruz, a Havana-born businessman and head of Eagle Brands, and his wife Rosa are major collectors of contemporary and especially Latin American art. They have collected and championed in their vast homecum-viewing-space works by Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Guillermo Kuitca (both strongly represented at this year’s Venice Biennale), assume vivid astro focus and Gabriel Orozco, among others. Famous for hosting lavish 700-guest dinner parties that kick-start Art Basel Miami Beach in December, the de la Cruz home, in Biscayne Bay, is a Mecca for artworld VIPs and ‘ordinary’ people alike – anyone can visit provided they have made an appointment. In 2004, the de la Cruzes launched the 10,000-square-foot Moore Space in Miami’s Design District, now a must-visit on the Art Basel Miami Beach public programme. Popular with artists and institutions (they recently donated work by John Bock, Philippe Parreno and Pierre Huyghe to Miami MoCA and Tate) the de la Cruzes have been vital to the promotion of Miami as a centre for contemporary art.

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