Claudia Martínez Garay’s Painting on an Equal PlaneSalena BarryArtReview17 February 2025At Grimm in London, Garay explores the point at which European and Indigenous narratives emerge and diverge
All Impossible WorldsSalena Barryartreview.com14 February 2024Shuvinai Ashoona’s drawings of Inuit life
Arlette: Metal Gear SolidSalena BarryArtReview01 November 2023In ‘José’ at Rose Easton, London, the artist considers the culture and experiences that have shaped her and her practice
The Personal, Communal or Natural Histories of ClaySalena BarryArtReview24 October 2023In ‘Inventing the Rest’ at Maximillian William, London, three artists use the material to bridge between the temporal poles of the future and the past
Turner Prize 2023 Review: Coming Out the Other EndSalena Barryartreview.com29 September 2023The four nominated artists explore the power of community to bind and divide
The Blk Art Group: How Much Has Changed?Salena BarryArtReview30 June 2023A new survey of the group’s work and the injustices they faced offers a bittersweet viewing experience tinged with both pride and sadness
Karms Thammatat and the Mirage of PerfectionSalena BarryArtReview11 May 2023In a new show at Unit, London, distortedly juvenile characters inhabit scenes that are less paradise than purgatory