
Power 100

Most influential people in 2010 in the contemporary artworld


Kasper König

Curator - Fingerprints all over art's recent history

60 in 2010

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Kasper König

Kasper König doesn’t have a CV so much as a catalogue of bragging rights. He worked with Warhol in the Factory, was curating museum exhibitions at the age of twenty-three, cofounded Skulptur Projekte Münster, mounted the landmark German Pop show Westkunst in Cologne in 1981 (introducing Franz West to the world), cofounded Portikus gallery and has sired a dynasty of gallerists in the shape of sons Leo and Johann. Having directed Cologne’s Museum Ludwig since 2000, König recently renewed his contract – which had been due to end this year – until 2012. If the description ‘curator’ no longer does him justice, ‘force of nature’ might.

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