With regional art fairs jockeying for credibility and calendar time, Art Basel stands out for its farsighted move to have long ago expanded its brand beyond its Swiss home, with Art Basel’s Miami Beach celebrating its tenth anniversary in December this year. Codirectors since 2008, ex-journalist Spiegler and manager Schönholzer’s energetic leadership has seen Art Basel’s fairs consolidate their status as the go-to events for European and American collectors, combining an attractive mix of hospitality, talks and artists’ projects to smooth down the raw commercialism. And with its owners having recently acquired a majority stake in Hong Kong’s ART HK fair, Art Basel will be part of an organisation whose reach spans the globe, further concentrating the power of art fairs in the culture of the artworld. Spiegler and Schönholzer must be grinning.
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Most influential people in 2011 in the contemporary artworld
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