
10th Guangju Biennial full artist list

Minouk Lim, FireCliff 3, from the Biennial Questionnaire: Jessica Morgan
Minouk Lim, FireCliff 3, from the Biennial Questionnaire: Jessica Morgan

Read our interview with Guangju curator Jessica Morgan here

Paticipating artists

1. Artist Group Dung-ji (Inn Sun Kim)

Born in 1941, Seoul, South Korea,

Lives and works in Yang Pyeong, South Korea

2. Basel Abbas & Ruanne Abou-Rahme.

Formed in 2009. Basel Abbas born 1983 in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Ruanne Abou-Rahme born 1983 in Boston, USA, Live and work in Ramallah, Palestine

3. Hamed Abdalla

Born 1917 (d.1985) Cairo, Egypt

Lived and worked in Paris, France

4.Abbas Akhavan

Born in 1977 in Tehran, Iran

Lives and works in Toronto, Canada

5. Jane Alexander

Born in 1959 in Johannesburg, South Africa

Lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa

6. Allora & Calzadilla

Formed in 1995

Jennifer Allora born in 1974 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Guillermo Calzadilla born in 1971 in Havana, Cuba

Live and work in San Juan, Puerto Rico

7. Jonathas de Andrade

Born in 1982 in Maceio, Brazil

Lives and works in Recife, Brazil

8. Ei Arakawa & Inza Lim

Ei Arakawa Born in 1977 in Fukushima, Japan

Lives and works in New York, USA

Inza Lim Born in 1976 in Gwangju

Lives and works in Seoul & Gwangju, South Korea

9. Charles Atlas

Born in 1958 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Lives and works in New York, USA & Paris, France

10. Sehee Sarah Bark

Born in 1985 in Gwangju, South Korea

Lives and works in Gwangju, South Korea

11. Eduardo Basualdo

Born in 1977 in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina

12. Cecilia Bengolea & Francois Chaignaud

Formed in 2005

Cecilia Bengolea born in 1979 in Beunos Aires, Argentina

Francois Chaignaud born in 1983 in Rennes, France

Live and work in Paris, France

13. Renate Bertlmann

Born in 1943 in Vienna, Austria

Lives and works in Vienna, Austria

14. Cezary Bodzianowski

Born in 1968 in Szczecin, Poland

Lives and works in Lodz, Poland

15. Andrea Bowers

Born in 1965 in Wilmington, Ohio USA

Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA

16. AA Bronson

Born in 1946 in Vancouver, Canada

Lives and works in Berlin, Germany

17. Cornel Brudascu

Born in 1937 in Tusa, Romania

Lives and works in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

18. Roberto Cabrera

Born in 1939 in Guatemala City Lives and works in Guatemala City

19. Vlassis Caniaris

Born in 1928 (d.2011) in Athens, Greece

Lived and worked in Athens, Greece

20. Banu Cennetoğlu

Born in 1970 in Ankara, Turkey

Lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey

21. Liu Chuang

Born in 1978 in Hubei, China

Lives and works in Beijing, China

22. Woon Hyoung Choi

Born in 1976 in Gwangju, South Korea

Lives and works in Seoul, South Korea

23. Xooang Choi

Born in 1975 in Seoul, South Korea

Lives and works in Seoul, South Korea

24. Heman Chong

Born in 1977 in Muar, Malaysia

Lives and works in Singapore

25. George Condo

Born in 1957 in Concord, USA

Lives and works in New York, USA

26. Jeremy Deller

Born in 1966 in London, UK

Lives and works in London, UK

27. Tang Dixin

Born in 1980 in Shanghai, China

Lives and works in Shanghai, China

28. Heri Dono

Born in 1960 in Jakarta, Indonesia

Lives and works in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

29. Nicole Eisenman

Born in 1965 in Verdun, France

Lives and works in New York, USA

30. Olafur Eliasson

Born in 1967 Copenhagen, Denmark

Lives and works in Berlin, Germany

31. El Ultimo Grito

Roberto Feo Born in 1964 in London, UK

Rosario Hurtado born in 1966 in Madrid, Spain

Live and work in London, UK

32. Brenda Fajardo

Born in 1940 in Manila, Philippines

Lives and works in Manila, Philippines

33. Urs Fischer

Born in 1973 in Zurich, Switzerland

Lives and works in New York, USA; Los Angeles, USA & Berlin, Germany

34. Dan Flavin

Born in 1933 (d.1996) in New York, USA

Lived and worked in New York, USA

35. Apostolos Georgiou

Born in 1952 in Thessaloniki, Greece

Lives and works in Athens & Skopelos, Greece

36. Jianyi Geng

Born in 1962 in Zhengzhou, China

Lives and works in Hangzhou, China

37. Jack Goldstein

Born in 1945 (d.2003) in Montreal, Canada

Lived and worked in New York, USA

38. Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

Born in 1965 in Strasbourg, France

Lives and works in Paris & Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

39. Sheela Gowda

Born in 1957 in Bangalore, India

Lives and works in Bangalore, India

40. Anthea Hamilton & Nicholas Byrne

Formed in 2012

Anthea Hamilton born in1979 in London, UK

Nicholas Byrne born in 1978 in Oldham, UK

Live and work in London, UK

41. Sharon Hayes

Born in 1970 in Baltimore, USA

Lives and works in New York, USA

42. Celia Hempton

Born in 1981 in Stroud, UK.

Lives and works in London, UK

43. Robert Heinecken

Born in 1931 (d.2006) in Denver, USA

Lived and worked in Los Angeles, California

44. Camille Henrot

Born in 1978 in Paris, France

Lives and works in New York, USA

45. Lubaina Himid

Born in 1954 in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Lives and works in London, UK

46. Carsten Höller

Born in 1961 in Brussels, Belgium

Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden

47. Young In Hong

Born in 1972 in Seoul, South Korea

Lives and works in London, UK

48. Xiangqian Hu

Born in 1983 in Leizhou, China

Lives and works in Beijing, China

49. Pierre Huyghe

Born in 1962 in Paris, France

Lives and works in New York, USA

50. Jai Hyoung Hwang

Born in 1952, Boseong, South Korea

Lives and works in Taebaek, South Korea

51. Tetsuya Ishida

Born in 1973 (d.2005) in Yaizu, Shizuoka, Japan

Lived and worked in Yaizu, Shizuoka, Japan

52. Geumhyung Jeong

Born in 1980 in Seoul, South Korea

Lives and works in Seoul, South Korea

53. Birgit Jürgenssen

Born in 1949 (d.2003) in Vienna, Austria

Lived and worked in Austria, Vienna

54. Gülsün Karamustafa

Born in 1946 in Ankara, Turkey

Lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey

55. Gavin Kenyon

Born in 1980 in Binghamton, USA

Lives and works in New York, USA

56. Edward Kienholz and Nancy Reddin Kienholz

Formed in 1972

Edward Kienholz born in 1927 (d.1994) in Fairfield, Washington, USA

Nancy Reddin Kienholz born in 1943 in Los Angeles, USA.

Lives and works in Hope, Idaho, USA

57. Yamashita Kikuji

Born in 1919 (d.1986) in Tokushima, Japan

Lived and worked in Tokyo, Japan

58. Bok Man Kim

Born in 1936, Busan, South Korea

Lives and works in Busan, South Korea

59. Sung Hwan Kim

Born in 1975 in Seoul, South Korea

Lives and works in New York, USA

60. Young Soo Kim

Born in 1946 (d. 2011) in Busan, South Korea

Lived and worked in Seoul, South Korea

61. Yves Klein

Born in 1928 (d.1962) in Nice, France

Lived and worked in Paris, France

62. Jeong A Koo

Born in 1967 in Seoul, South Korea

Lives and works in London

63. Lee Bul

Born in 1964 in Yeongju, South Korea

Lives and works in Seoul, South Korea

64. Seulgi Lee

Born in 1972 in Seoul, South Korea

Lives and works in Paris, France

65. Wan Lee

Born in 1979 in Seoul, South Korea

Lives and works in Seoul, South Korea

66. Minouk Lim

Born in 1968 in Daejeon, South Korea

Lives and works in Seoul, South Korea

67. Xiaodong Liu

Born in 1963 in Liaoning, China

Lives and works in Beijing, China

68. Renata Lucas

Born in 1971 in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil

Lives and works in Sao Paulo, Brazil

69. Anna Maria Maiolino

Born in 1942 in Scalea, Italia

Lives and works in Sao Paulo, Brazil

70. Tahmineh Monzavi

Born in 1988 in Tehran, Iran

Lives and works in Tehran, Iran

71. Carlos Motta

Born in 1978 in Bogota, Colombia

Lives and works in New York, USA

72. Mrinalini Mukherjee

Born in 1949 in Bombay, India

Lives and works in New Delhi, India

73. Huma Mulji

Born in 1970 in Karachi, Pakistan

Lives and works in Lahore, Pakistan

74. Hidemi Nishida

Born in 1986 in Kawasaki, Japan

Lives and works in Bergen, Norway

75. Eko Nugroho

Born in 1977 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Lives and works in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

76. Okin Collective

Formed in 2009

Shiu Jin born in 1975 in Seoul, Hwayong Kim born in 1979 in Incheon, and Joungmin Yi born in 1971 in Seoul, South Korea

Live and work in Seoul, South Korea

77. Yoshua Okon

Born in 1970 in Mexico City, Mexico

Lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico

78. Roman Ondak

Born in 1966 in Zilina, Slovakia

Lives and works in Bratislava, Slovakia

79. Gabriel Orozco

Born in 1962 in Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico

Lives and works in New York, USA

80. Ulrike Ottinger

Born 1942 in Konstanz, Germany

Lives and works in Berlin, Germany

81. Cornelia Parker

Born in 1956 in Cheshire, UK

Lives and works in London, UK

82. Anand Patwardhan

Born in 1950 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Lives and works in Mumbai, India

83. Otto Piene

Born in 1928 in Bad Laasphe, Germany

Lives and works in Düsseldorf and Groton, Massachusetts, USA

84. Carol Christian Poell

Born in 1966 in Linz, Austria

Lives and works in Milan, Italy

85. Naufus Ramirez-Figueroa

Born in1978 in Guatemala

Lives and works in Guatemala & Vancouver, Canada

86. James Richards

Born in 1983 in Cardiff, Wales

Lives and works in London, UK & Berlin, Germany

87. Sterling Ruby

Born in 1972 in Bitburg, Germany

Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA

88. Prem Sahib

Born in 1982 in London, UK

Lives and works in London, UK

89. Anwar Shemza

Born in 1928 (d.1985) in Shimla, India

Lived and worked Lahore, Pakistan & London, UK

90. Mircea Suciu

Born in 1978 in Baia Mare, Romania

Lives and works in Cluj, Romania

91. Shooshie Sulaiman

Born in 1973 in Muar, Malaysia

Lives and works in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

92. Neungkyung Sung

Born in 1944 in Yesan, South Korea

Lives and works in Seoul, South Korea

93. Rodel Tapaya

Born in 1980 in Montalban, Philippines

Lives and works in Bulacan, Philippines

94. Güneş Terkol

Born in 1981 in Ankara, Turkey

Lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey

95. Rosemarie Trockel

Born in 1952 in Schwerte, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Lives and works in Cologne, Germany

96. Piotr Uklański

Born in 1968 in Warsaw, Poland

Lives and works in New York, USA

97. Ken Unsworth

Born in 1931 in Melbourne, Australia

Lives and works in Sydney, Australia

98. Stewart Uoo

Born in 1985 Napa, California, USA

Lives and works in New York, USA

99. Lionel Wendt

Born in 1900 (d.1944) in Colombo, Ceylon, Sri Lanka

Lived and Worked in Colombo, Sri Lanka

100. David Wojnarowicz

Born in 1954 (d.1992) in Red bank, New Jersey, USA

Lived and worked in New York, USA

101. Nil Yalter

Born in 1938 in Cairo, Egypt

Lives and works in Paris, France

102. Sungchul Yang

Born in 1947, Daegu, South Korea

Lives and works in Daegu, South Korea

103. Tomoko Yoneda

Born in 1965 in Akashi-city, Japan

Lives and works in London, UK

104. Suknam Yun

Born in 1939 in Manchuria, China

Lives and works in Suwon, South Korea

105. Akram Zaatari

Born in 1966 in Sidon, Lebanon

Lives and works in Beirut, Lebanon    

The 10 Gwangju Biennale: Burning Down the House, 5 September – 9 November 2014

Most recent


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